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North West Tractor Pulling Club pilots Carbon Offset at Championship Finals

August 23, 2023

The North West Tractor Pulling Club expects to offset 4,000kg of CO2e from fuel usage this bank holiday weekend. They will host the final round of the ETPC Eurocup and BTPA Championships on 25-27 August 2023.

The North West Tractors Pullers Club will host the final round of the ETPC Eurocup and BTPA Championships on 25-27 August 2023.

The Club have been working in partnership with Carbon Positive Motorsport to create a Carbon Calculator Tool for Tractor Pulling Events. Working from data supplied by competitors and organisers, the new calculator is based on the expected fuel use at the event at the Great Eccleston Showground, near Preston.

Following the event pilot, it is expected that the new tool will make it possible for other tractor

pulling events and championships to estimate their carbon footprint, calculations which can be used as the basis for carbon offsetting the unavoidable emissions from each event.

the North West Tractors Pullers Club are working with Carbon Positive Motorsport's end-to-end event package

Working with Carbon Positive Motorsport's end-to-end event package, over time the North West Tractor Pulling Club will look to widen the scope of the tool, as part of a carbon offsetting roadmap.

The Club intend to work to progressively reduce the full carbon footprint from events in the future in areas such as logistics and spectator emissions.

This will provide the future offsetting of 25% more carbon emissions than are generated by the Club's competition-based emissions, using a Woodland Carbon Code certified project based at Loch Ness. This world class carbon offsetting project not only creates the carbon sink to sequester carbon emissions, but brings other environmental, bio-diversity and sustainability benefits.

the North West Tractors Pullers Club are working with Carbon Positive Motorsport's end-to-end event package

Carbon Positive Motorsport director Steve Smith is looking forward to attending the event, and said, "There has been a great deal of work and research behind the scenes to create our carbon calculator


"The surprising thing is, that despite relatively high quantities of fuel used in tractor pulling

events, and the public perception of the sport, in reality the high volume of methanol used creates a

relatively low carbon footprint. The ongoing switch to HVO fuel will further lower the footprint in the future, and we can continue to develop the Carbon calculator tool to reflect this.

Tractor pulling at Great Eccleston near preston will take place on 25-27 August 2023

"I have been amazed by the popularity of the sport, and I am really looking forward to

experiencing the atmosphere created by the world’s most powerful motorsport discipline."

Club Chairman Tom Beattie commented "At the NWTPC we are so happy to have found the team at CPM and we believe that together we can make a real difference.

"With the introduction of HVO Fuel, offsetting, no single use plastics and more recycling, we are working hard to make a positive impact to our countryside"

North West Tractor Pulling Club event at Great Eccleston last year

Carbon Positive Founder, Paul Glass, added "We hope to encourage all travelling to the event to help further reduce the event's environmental impact, and so we are offering all competitors and spectators a 20% discount when they offset any of their fuel usage associated with the event.

"To purchase offsets via our online shop, cick the link below and enter the volume of fuel used in ltres to calculate the price. You can then use our discount code CPNWTPC2023 at checkout."

North West Tractor Pulling Clubdiscount code CPNWTPC2023

For more information check out the NWTPC website and social media:

It only costs a little to make a big difference for the sport, so whether you're a competitor or spectator, why not join with us to help make motorsport sustainable.

To become Carbon Positive yourself, visit our website


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