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Ambassador Feature: John Wink

Carbon Positive Motorsport catches up with our Ambassador John Wink.

Carbon Positive Motorsport recently had a chat with our Ambassador John Wink - along with co-driver Neil Shanks, John is competing in this year’s Scottish Rally Championship, and on selected BTRDA rounds in his Hyundai R5.

Ahead of the Brick & Steel Borders rally this weekend, we asked John more about his time in rallying and his views on the need to make motorsport more sustainable.

CPM: John, it is a pleasure to have you join us as an ambassador this year – what motivates you to have your carbon offset in competition?

JW: As we see the hybrid era in the WRC and in other high-profile motorsports, I think it’s hugely important to be doing what we can at the grass roots level. If we all can do a little, it will hugely benefit the sustainability and future proofing of the sport we all love.

CPM : What are your plans for this season, and how is it going so far for you?

JW : This season has been very enjoyable so far. We were posting some good times on the Snowman Rally until we slipped into a ditch - but we still went on to set some good stage times after that. We were on target for a top ten at the Malcolm Wilson until we had an oil pressure scare. We then had a great Speyside Stages rally with a top 10 finish and it was a hugely enjoyable event. Next up is the Border Counties. There is no doubt that the pace is just getting faster and faster.

CPM: How did you start out in rallying?

JW: I first had a run at a VIP day (attending as a sponsor) with Quintin Milne. I also spectated with a friend, Barry Morrison and I just knew it was something I had to do. I’m not sure who exactly to blame but Quintin and Barry are high on the list! Then there’s Ken Wood - I couldn’t have started nor continued without his help and continued support.

CPM: You're possibly best known for your victory on the Rally GB national rally – do you see that as the highlight of your career so far?

JW : Yes, Rally GB was a huge highlight. A pat on the back and a handshake from Andrea Adamo didn’t hurt. The atmosphere of Rally GB is just brilliant.

CPM: Looking at your car – you must have one of the greatest numbers of sponsors of any competitor? What advice would you give others to be successful with sponsors?

JW: We are very lucky with our sponsors. The car being a bit different really helps and we get lots of feedback on how it looks and sounds in the stages. We also try and do some corporate entertainment for our partners as well as inviting them along to VIP days. I like to think we give our sponsors a lot of exposure through the various things we do during the year. The Carbon Positive partnership really appeals to our partners, as they can invest in us doing the right thing for the future of the sport.

CPM: Final question – and it's looking to the future – how do you see the sport developing in the future and what are your ambitions in the sport?

JW: Hopefully the sport will continue to develop, attract more and more fans and supporters. It really was fantastic at the last rally seeing the spectators back in the stages. It’s good to see new technology in terms of performance and most importantly more safety devices. I would like to progress to a stage where we are regularly fighting for podium results.

John and Neil are sponsored by Charles W Pirie | Dyce Carriers Ltd | NorDan U.K. | Laings Kitchens & Bathrooms | John Wink Design | Titan Steel | Angus Homes | McLeod & Jordan | Rapid Project Development | JHJ Group | W.D. Beaton Agricultural Contractors | Newfuel | McCombie Builders | Matheson’s | Brian Adam Joiner and Builder | Derek Scott Plumbing & Heating | Richmond Mills | CMKE | Clark & Sutherland | Clancool | Campbell of Doune | Stuart Taylor Builder | Albyn Garage | Hyundai Motorsport | Organ Donation Scotland | MRF Tyres | Carbon Positive Motorsport

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We provide events, competitors and spectators with a range of carbon offsetting services.


We help anyone in motorsport to make a sustainable and promotable positive environmental impact.

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We believe in making motorsport sustainable for all, and that making motorsport sustainable is no longer an option, if we want our sport and the environment to thrive and be enjoyed by future generations.


Because we believe that motorsport should and can create a positive impact, we will create a certified positive carbon footprint from your motorsport activities.

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Our offsetting projects are provided in exclusive partnership with Highland Carbon Ltd Within the UK these are based on verified Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code projects which are registered by IHS Markits on the UK Land Carbon Registry.


We are members of the UK Carbon Association and comply with their code of conduct. 

Company Number 12415335

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