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F1 In Schools

Vortex Racing partners with Carbon Positive Motorsport, as part of their F1 in schools campaign.

When Carbon Positive Motorsport were asked to spend some time explaining our approach and the importance of sustainability in motorsport to Vortex Racing from the Ron Dearing UTC in Hull, we were only too happy to learn more about the initiative and to offer our support.

Stefano Domenicali - Chairman and CEO Formula 1®, said that "offering a way to learn Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) related subjects in such an exciting way is achieving great results and we know we are increasing the intake of students into engineering careers. "

In an online session Carbon Positive Motorsport director Paul Glass explained more about the relevance of sustainability in motorsport, especially the commercial benefits that teams and sponsors can achieve by having a genuine commitment to the environment, and by taking tangible steps to reduce and mitigate the impact of the sport upon it.

As part of the session the students were encouraged to think about their own carbon footprint being created by their entry, and how this could influence potential team sponsors and the support of the community’s that various motorsport events relies on to function.

They were also encouraged to think about their own carbon footprint, and how this could be reduced and mitigated in the future through carbon offsetting projects. The session also covered the importance of professionalism in everything they do as part of their entry, and how important it would be that they demonstrate and communicate in their own personal approach these same values and commitment to the environment.

As part of the support given, the students were informed that their team would be provided with complimentary carbon offsetting for all unavoidable UK travel connected to their participation, with the purpose of attracting more sponsors to their campaign, and to mitigate their carbon footprint in the future.

Simon Edwards, leader of the Ron Dearing UTC F1 in schools project said ‘’The team now have some great ideas based on what Carbon Positive Motorsport shared’’.

Zach Craig, Vortex racing team manager added, ‘’Our team found the information you gave us very interesting, and we can't wait to get further involved with the partnership’’.

Paul Glass added, ‘’One of the goals behind Carbon Positive Motorsport is to help make motorsport sustainable for future generations to enjoy. The importance of innovation and new technologies to help provide ways to reduce the environmental impact of motorsport is vital to achieving that goal. Our best wishes go to team Vortex for a successful campaign.

"I’m really delighted to support the next generation of talent in a small way to help them act on the importance of sustainability in their approach and their success. It’s important for me personally that we support initiatives that enable and promote motorsport as a vehicle to attract talent in the future, and to demonstrate that innovation in motorsport can help address the many widespread challenges beyond motorsport that we see today contributing to our climate crisis’’.

It only costs a little to make a big difference for the sport, so whether you're a student, a competitor or spectator, why not join with us to help make motorsport sustainable.

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We provide events, competitors and spectators with a range of carbon offsetting services.


We help anyone in motorsport to make a sustainable and promotable positive environmental impact.

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We believe in making motorsport sustainable for all, and that making motorsport sustainable is no longer an option, if we want our sport and the environment to thrive and be enjoyed by future generations.


Because we believe that motorsport should and can create a positive impact, we will create a certified positive carbon footprint from your motorsport activities.

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Our offsetting projects are provided in exclusive partnership with Highland Carbon Ltd Within the UK these are based on verified Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code projects which are registered by IHS Markits on the UK Land Carbon Registry.


We are members of the UK Carbon Association and comply with their code of conduct. 

Company Number 12415335

VAT Registration number 469393832

© Carbon Positive Motorsport 2021-2024


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