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North West Tractor Pulling Club Event Review

August 30, 2023

Crowds packed Great Eccleston for the European Tractor Pulling Committee Mitas Eurocup Series 2023 and final round of the British Tractor Pulling Association Championships last weekend.

The Aftermath Tractor Pulling team. North West Tractor Pulling Club at Great Eccleston Showground,August Bank Holiday Weekend
Picture thanks to Aftermath Tractor Pulling

The final event of the BTPA season was held at Great Eccleston in Lancashire along with four Eurocup classes, hosted by the North West Tractor Pulling Club.

Carbon Positive Motorsport Director Steve Smith went along to check out the action on Saturday and was interviewed on the Power Stage to explain how the NWTPC are working with Carbon Positive Motorsport to mitigate their unavoidable CO2 emissions.

"What an amazing sport," he said, "the first word that comes into my head is MEGA. I have been in motorsport for 30+ years, but I have never seen anything like that! It's fascinating to watch and staggering if you haven't seen it before.

"CPM are very pleased to be associated with NWTPC and we are proud in being their offsetting partner for some years to come. If you haven't been to an event go and check it out!

"A big shout out to Tom Beattie, Chairman of NWTPC, who from start to finish MC'd the event with total commitment and enthusiasm. What a great event - I'm looking forward to attending the next one!"

The final event of the BTPA season and a round of the ETPC was held at Great Eccleston

Friday saw two British Championship classes ran at Great Eccleston, the Superfarms and Limited Prostocks. Taking first place in a four-way pull off in the Superfarm class was The Bowland Raptor, whilst in the Limited Prostock class Blue Wicked took the win, with the only full pull in a class of 14.

The European teams put on a fabulous show that gave the spectators some amazing action on the track, with a very intense Mini Modified final which could have gone either way, and a full pull extravaganza making the Light Modified class a very tough final.

The North West Tractor Pulling Club hosted European teams who put on a fabulous show at Great Eccleston

6 BTPA Prostocks joined the 7 EPTC competitors whilst the Heavy Modified class saw four full pulls.

The NWTPC have been working in partnership with Carbon Positive Motorsport to create a carbon calculator tool for tractor pulling events. Working from data supplied by the competitors, the bank holiday weekend at Great Eccleston will supply fuel usage data to make it possible for other tractor pulling events and championships to estimate their carbon footprint.

Crowds packed Great Eccleston for the European Tractor Pulling Committee  Mitas Eurocup Series 2023 and final round of the British Tractor Pulling Association Championships last weekend.

Carbon Positive Motorsport are able to provide the future offsetting of 25% more carbon emissions than are generated by NWTPC's competition-based emissions, using a Woodland Carbon Code certified project based at Loch Ness. This world class carbon offsetting project not only creates the carbon sink to sequester carbon emissions, but brings other environmental, bio-diversity and sustainability benefits.

Club Chairman Tom Beattie commented "At the NWTPC we are so happy to have found the team at CPM and we believe that together we can make a real difference.

"With the introduction of HVO Fuel, offsetting, no single use plastics and more recycling, we are working hard to make a positive impact to our countryside."

For more information check out the NWTPC website and social media:

It only costs a little to make a big difference for the sport, so whether you're a competitor or spectator, why not join with us to help make motorsport sustainable.

To become Carbon Positive yourself, visit our website

European Tractor Pulling Results:

Heavy Modified

Competitor Pull 1 Final

1 Bobcat Sr. (NL) FP 101.52

2 Argos Oil Whispering Giant (NL) FP 96.96

3 Inter-Techno Lambada (NL) FP 96.08

4 Le Redoutable (F) FP 80.68

5 Iwan (DE) 97.66 74.77

Mini Modified

Competitor Pull Final

1 Top Dog (NL) 98.58 99.59

2 Bobcat Jr. (NL) FP 98.24

3 Toplenzen Lambada (NL) 94.06 95.02

4 Screamin' Bobcat (NL) 88.14 95.02

5 Exception (NL) 88.80 21

6 Let`'s Try (NL) 87.96


Competitor Pull Final

1 Green Magic (DK) FP 109.66

2 Bredahl Brothers Red Line (DK) FP 102.40

3 Special Deere (DK) FP 99.59

4 Thymotech 2 (DK) FP 95.83

5 Rovbos (DK) FP 95.41

6 Il Tempo Gigante 2 (DK) 93.65 20

7 Iced Bear (GB) 89.51 19

Light Modified

Competitor Pull 1 Final

1 Wicked Screamer (NL) FP 93.38

2 Green Monster V Mitas Edition (DE) FP 88.42

3 Gators (DK) FP 82.68

4 Helveg Rocket Science (NL) FP 82.00

5 Mad Max Stage 5 (BE) FP 81.58

6 Aftermath Unleashed (GB) FP 81.27

7 Dingo (DK) FP 80.06

8 Eurol Bandit (NL) FP

9 On The Limit (GB) 95.50`


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